Dennis Hickman III recently beat his mother with a baseball bat because she refused to share her French fries with him. The 17 year-old Port Deposit, Maryland teen, who was charged with first- and second-degree assault, also slashed the tires on her car and kicked the front door, knocking it off its hinges. His mother is recovering.

Mary Kay Letourneau and her former sixth-grade lover, Vili Fualaau, are hosting a "Hot for Teacher" night at a Seattle nightclub. Mike Morris, owner of Fuel Sports Eats & Beats, said this is the third time the husband and wife have hosted a "Hot for Teacher" night at the nightclub. The event begins at 9:30 p.m. on Saturday.

Australia's health department recently cracked down on scores of lazy restaurant operators. The owners of the Jemes Fish Market were fined $660 for storing live crabs in a toilet. Primary Industries Minister Ian Macdonald says he was shocked when he saw the crabs splashing around.

The Memphis police are searching for a shoplifting suspect who used a baby as a weapon against a Wal-Mart security guard. The unknown woman threw the child at the guard before it was dropped and hit the ground. She then picked it up and threw it at a good samaritan as she was running out the door. The baby's mother was in the bathroom and had no idea what was happening. The child was treated and released at the scene.