The Texas police recently arrested Inequa Rushing for robbing a bank with her 4-month-old baby. Her boyfriend acted as a lookout while she demanded a teller hand her a bag of cash. While trying to escape in the get-away car, a dye pack exploded on Rushing causing her to toss the cash and her purse out the window. Cops found them and quickly made an arrest.

The Crestview, Florida police recently arrested a 51 year-old woman for misusing their 911 system. She called four times in 90 minutes to report that her husband had taken her cell phone and would not return it. When an Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office deputy went to the caller's home after her third call, he dialed her cell phone and heard it ringing. When the women was searched prior to being placed in the patrol car, the phone was found in her jacket pocket.
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