A German man was recently arrested while trying to surprise his girlfriend with flowers and a bottle of wine. She called the police after she heard someone trying to climb onto her balcony. Cops quickly arrived and nabbed her boyfriend, who was trying to impress her. He was arrested on an outstanding warrant and not able to finish his romantic night.

Jason Botos recently showed up drunk to his DUI hearing in Papillion, Nebraska. The 30 year-old was so intoxicated that he was unable to get out of his car. When he missed his hearing, deputies went to the parking lot and arrested him. He had a blood alcohol level of 0.43. Officers sent Botos to a hospital to get checked out before taking him to jail.

The Seattle police arrested a vampire on Friday morning. The unidentified nut threatened to blow up a bomb that was taped to his arm. Cops got him to remove the bomb before taking him to jail. Authorities received a 911 call after he walked into a downtown Seattle shelter where he said he was a vampire and wanted to eat people for breakfast.
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