A Chinese government official has been arrested for accepting bribes in order to fund his personal goal of sleeping with 800 escorts. His wife turned him in after finding his personal diaries, which detailed his escapades.

Dr Sulieman Al Hourani is being sued for accidentally removing a patient's testicle. The Jordanian-born doctor was practicing in London when he misunderstood instructions and removed an entire testicle instead of a small cyst. He then stole drugs intended for his patient.

The Albuquerque police recently arrested a drunk man for allowing his 11-year-old nephew to drive. The unidentified boy lost control of the pickup truck before slamming into a car and tree. The boy tried to drive away from the scene, but neighbors stopped the truck.

The Chicago police recently arrested Francisco Rendon for operating a fake dental office. He operated on patients in his garage which featured a leather office seat for his patients and a garbage can for spitting. Police found syringes, dentures, pain killers and power tools traditionally used to polish metal.
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