The Vancouver police arrested a 75 year-old man last week for robbing a bank. The unidentified thief used his walker to scoot into the Prince George Bank of Nova Scotia before demanding money. A teller surrendered a small amount of cash before the man left. Cops apprehended him 45 minutes later in the same suburban strip mall where the bank is located.

Johnny Montgomery was jailed on Friday for laughing out loud in court. When he refused to tell Cumberland County, North Carolina Judge Toni King why he was giggling she sent him to jail on a misdemeanor charge. As deputies were preparing to take Montgomery to jail, they searched him and found more than 3 grams of crack cocaine.

A 40 year-old Hamilton, Ontario, Canada man was arrested yesterday for riding his motorcycle without any pants or underwear.The unidentified biker tried to flee, but crashed and was arrested after a brief struggle.
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