Rev. Sharon Burnett is offering drive-thru weddings at her north Tampa store. She says couples who pull up with a marriage license, a witness over the age of 18, and $20 can tie the knot without turning off their car engine. Her Mother Earth Goddess metaphysical store is housed in a former dry-cleaning business that features a sliding glass window for the nuptials.

The San Mateo, California police recently arrested Peter Allen Steele for ringing doorbells while naked. Two residents called 911 after the 38 year-old woke them up at 3 a.m.. Steele led cops on a brief chase before they used a bean bag gun to subdue him. He was charged with suspicion of driving under the influence, evading a peace officer, driving with a suspended license, indecent exposure, entering a house without permission, vandalism and resisting arrest.
By the way, this is NOT the singer from Type O Negative-I know this because.....Well, i won't say, but let's just say it's not his first time at this!