Ivonete Pereira's bra recently saved her life. The 58 year-old was traveling to her summer home in Brazil when masked bandits commandeered her bus. A shootout with police ensued before a stray bullet hit Pereira in the chest. Her bra was stuffed with just enough cash to absorb most of the impact of the bullet. Pereira was taken to a hospital where she was treated and released.

A 37-year-old Great Falls, Montana mother was recently arrested for acting as a getaway driver for her son and his friends. The teens stole items from cars before dumping the loot in the mother's backyard. Her husband called police after he saw over $3,000 worth of stolen merchandise sitting on his porch.

An Athens, GA man recently called 911 after an escort stole his pants and wallet. The unidentified victim met the woman at a club before they headed to a Days Inn. The woman took off while the man was inside a bathroom. Police say he was very drunk.
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