A London couple recently had their home trashed by 150 of their granddaughter's friends. Brian and Glennis McDonald told Victoria she could invite two friends over while they were at a wedding. The 15 year-old posted a party invite on several social networking sites before others showed up and broke doors, televisions, potted plants, paintings and appliances. Cops were only able to arrest one teen. Each room suffered close to $1,500 in damage.
A Thai teacher, named Weerapong Pongchano, is under fire for attacking one of his students. The 29 year-old bashed the child's head against a blackboard four times for talking out of turn. Another student taped the incident before showing it to a neighbor, who turned the film over to the police. The boy's family did not find about the incident until a local news station aired the footage. Pongchano says, "I feel terrible for what I did to my student. But I knew what I was doing. I did not use excessive force to hurt him."
An Avondale, Ohio man is recovering from being shot in the back. He was sitting on his stoop when two men drove up, pulled guns and demanded he remove his pants. The victim did before oneo f the men shot him in the back for no reason.
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