31-year-old Fernando Cooper was harassing customers outside Gibson`s Bar and Steakhouse on Chicago`s North Side when an off-duty police officer approached him and told him to get lost.

--Instead, Fernando started arguing with the cop, and eventually things turned violent. During the struggle, Fernando tried to grab the cop`s holster, and at some point during the altercation, he BIT the officer`s chest.

--Eventually he was subdued and arrested. He`s been charged with attempting to disarm a peace officer, and aggravated battery to a peace officer . . . both felonies. He was also charged with three counts of resisting arrest, and for panhandling in a prohibited manner.

--As for the officer, he was rushed to the hospital and treated for his injuries. But according to the doctor who treated him, the damage from the bite was so severe . . . the officer lost a NIPPLE.
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