A Florida woman said the iPhone app she created uses games to prevent people from sending drunk text messages they would later regret. Samantha Deeter contacted an app development company with her idea and they made her a partner in the creation of the Textalyzer app. Deeter said users of the app create "forbidden" lists of people likely to receive drunk text messages and their phone then forces them to play a series of four games to send the message. If the user fails the games, they are asked in 12 hours if they still want to send the message. The user can also program in reminders of why they might not want to text the intended recipients.

Police in Naperville, Illinois, say a man told them he fell asleep with an escort in his home and awoke to find his cell phone, laptop and $800 cash among the items missing. The man called police Saturday and said he had fallen asleep about 1 a.m. with the escort still in his apartment. He awoke later in the morning to find her gone with his belongings. The man said his driver's license, credit card and Social Security card also had disappeared. The man admitted he hired the escort from a website, but said they "did not engage in any sexual activity."

Firefighters in Manchester, New Hampshire, were called to a parking lot when a woman attempting to retrieve keys from a friend's car got wedged in the sunroof. Firefighters said when they arrived at the Walgreen's parking lot about 6:45 p.m. Monday they found the woman stuck up to her waist in the Saab's sunroof. The woman told firefighters she had been trying to retrieve her friend's keys from the vehicle. Firefighters said they tried opening the doors but instead armed the security system, locking the woman in place. They were eventually able to squeeze the sunroof open and free her using a portable airbag. The woman, who complained of minor breathing difficulties, was checked and released at the scene.
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