The Las Vegas police recently arrested Jonathan Weaver for tying up his girlfriend's kids so he could watch the Magic and Lakers. The 20 year-old took the 1 and 2 year-old boys out to his garage where he bound them in their car seats, placed hoods on their heads, tied rope around their necks, stuffed cloth in their mouthes, and left them so he could go to a bar to watch the NBA Finals game. He told officers he didn't think leaving the children was a big deal "because they have had campouts inside" the garage before. Weaver is charged with kidnapping, child abuse and attempted murder.
Chandan Baria is recovering from having a 2 pound hairball removed from her stomach. The 13 year-old was recently admitted to a New Dehli, India hospital with severe stomach cramps. Doctors X-rayed her before removing the 20-inch hairball. Chandan was diagnosed with Rapunzel syndrome, which is characterized by a repeated urge to pull one’s hair out before eating it A former Price Is Right contestant is suing the show for injuries he suffered during his appearance. Michael Lerner tripped and fell on a chair as he was running down an aisle to compete on the show. He says he suffered a torn Achilles Tendon and a herniated lumbar disc
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