A 17 year-old Brasov, Romania teen recently died while Twittering. Maria Barbu was taking a bath and Tweeting when she dropped her laptop in the water. She was instantly electrocuted. Police believe Maria was trying to plug in her laptop because the battery had died.

An Austrian student recently woke up in the cab of a 150-foot-high crane. Stefan Hohenwart told the Graz police he had been drinking the night before and had no idea how he ended up in the crane. A police spokesman says, "The crane operator got quite a surprise when he went up and found the student snoring away in his cab. When our officers got there and get the man down he swore he had no idea how he got up there and just remembers leaving the pub and feeling very tired."

A Syracuse woman was recently arrested for keying a squad car. She first called 911 to report that the police car was blocking her car. Then, she keyed the vehicle because the officers didn't move it quickly enough. Officers charged her with criminal mischief.
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