A California judge recently dismissed Janine Sugawara's lawsuit against the makers of "Cap'n Crunch with Crunchberries". Janine says she sued because Quaker Oats duped her into believing that the "crunchberries" were real fruit. The berries are actually brightly-colored cereal balls
An Omaha woman was recently cited for child neglect after bringing her two children to a bar. When cops asked the woman to find a babysitter for her kids she went outside the lounge and left them with a drunk 29 year-old man, who was vomiting in the parking lot. She then went back inside before cops arrested her. A Xenia, Ohio woman was recently robbed at gunpoint by a man she met on Craigslist. The unidentified victim went to a diner to sell a five-carat diamond ring she advertised on the site. When she got there, her buyer pulled a gun and stole her jewelry before taking off.
Lincoln, Nebraska's Southwest High School has suspended 20 students for pulling a senior prank that seriously injured two teachers. 100 students held a giant water balloon fight in a hallway as teachers tried their best to break up the stunt. One teacher fell and suffered a concussion while another slipped and broke her wrist. The six seniors who took part in the prank have been banned from their graduation ceremony.
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