Monday, July 25, 2011

What the Hell Theater - 7/25

An Ohio city said its new "Mow to Own" program allows residents to mow vacant lots adjacent to their property with an aim to take ownership of them. Sandusky officials said the city is losing money maintaining more than 100 delinquent lots that are no longer generating tax revenue. Under the new Mow to Own program, homeowners can care for the abandoned, city-owned properties for up to two years and take over ownership once the value of that work equals the value of the land.

A man crashed his van into six cars at a New Hampshire car dealership because the dealer refused to take his "lemon" vehicle back. David Cross of Salisbury, Massachusetts, was charged with six felony counts of criminal mischief. He said his wife purchased the van Monday and soon discovered the vehicle had major problems including a broken odometer. The dealer refused to refund his money and told him he was "stuck with it." Cross said he took the van back to the dealership just before midnight Monday and drove it into six cars. "I hit the first $25,000 car I could see," Cross said. "I didn't hit a car under $20,000.  He was arrested and released on his own recognizance. The public is rallying around Cross. Fans have designed a T-shirt at in Cross' honor, suggesting the proceeds should go to a defense fund. A Facebook page has been started in support of Cross, as well as people from across the country offering to donate money to a defense fund.

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