Wednesday, October 7, 2009

What the Hell Theatre - 10/7

87 year-old Violet Bishop, of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, recently ate her hearing aid. She says she watching TV with a box of Milk Duds when she noticed something tasted funny. “As I enjoyed the chocolate and caramel taste, it appeared that one of my Milk Duds was not as fresh as the others.” Later, Violet discovered that the hearing aid had fallen out of her ear and into the little box of candies.

A mother and daughter from Eustis, Florida were recently arrested after they got into a fight over a man they were both sleeping with. Richard Bowman and 46 year-old Lisa W. Johnson dated until she was sent to jail. Then, he and her 25 year-old daughter, Jessica, began to date. Johnson recently got drunk and went to Bowman's home where she grabbed his crotch and refused to let go. Jessica hit her mom in the forehead before cops arrested both of them for assault.

Daniel Blackner, who performs for London's Circus of Horrors under the name of "Captain Dan the Demon Dwarf", was rushed to the hospital after supergluing his manhood to a vacuum. His act requires him to attach himself to the cleaner. Daniel says he glued himself to the machine because the nozzle was cracked. "It was the most embarrassing moment of my life when I got wheeled into a packed ER with a vacuum attached to me. I just wished the ground could swallow me up. Luckily, they saw me quickly so the embarrassment was short lived."

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