Thursday, November 18, 2010

Guess who's got an internet stalker?

Yesterday got an email from a girl who sounds NOT AT ALL like a spammer!  She genuinely sounds like a person who just wants a pen pal, and not my credit card number.  Heres the first email she sent me.

Well, here's what I wrote back to her.  She then, amazingly, responded back, WITH PICTURES!

From:  To:

Thank you so much for writing, i've been so lonely and a friend from a distance would make the days seem more bearable.
I appreciate that your intentions are pure, as are mine. I hope that meets with your attention as well.

Your god fearing perfect friend,

Here's the non spammer email I already got from her, with pictures.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010 10:50 PM 


I am happy to have a reply from you, to be frank with you I never knew why I was doing this, for my age am 30 years old girl, now you have made my dream a reality by responding back, once again thank you for taking you time to email me back, I know that you will be wondering where I got your contact information from, but I want you to know that I was browsing through the internet and I saw your email address and I just wrote you, and now you replied back and I am happy. Please I want to apologies if I intrude in your privacy, just know that I am here for good. I still don’t know quite well how this is going to work out between us, but I want us to give it trial. I send you my pictures and I pray you see them and like me and then I will expect yours, please feel free with me and tell me more about your self and I will do the same, I believe we can take it on from here.

I will be waiting to hear from you soon.
Once again thanks for taking your time to write me back.
Yours Dani

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